Stellar Magic Sundae is the daughter of our beloved Lustoord Sophia, one of the foundation mares of the stud for our sec A breeding. Sundae is a sister to Stellar Amazing Supergirl, who was awarded with 40 p and gold as well as well as being a diploma mare. We think Sundae will follow in their footsteps!
1st sec A 3 yo filly &
Youngstock Champion
Best of Breed, Overall Supreme Sec A Champion
Reserve Overall Youngstock Champion,
International Welsh Dragon Show
in Holland 2024.
1st sec A 3 yo filly &
Youngstock Champion
Reserve Overall Supreme Sec A Champion
Supreme Overall Youngstock Champion,
Welsh Select Sale Show
in Holland 2024.
Mother: Lustoord Sophia
Her grand sire on her maternal bloodline is Vecthzicht’s Harmony, who needs little introduction for Welsh mountain pony breeders in Europe.
Harmony has achieved legendary status by siring four national champion mares: Vechtzicht’s Heulwyn, Vechtzicht’s Honey, Vechtzicht’s Crystal and Vechtzicht’s Helena. Only one other stallion has sired two national section A champions, and that is his full sister’s son Vechtzicht’s Hylander.

Her grandsire on the father’s side is Multiple Royal Welsh Winner and Olympia Winner Uphill James Fox, who became a legend when he was the first Welsh Mountain ever to win Olympia.
On breeding lease with Zoelenzich Stud, Holland
- Sire: Friars Flying Fox
- Dam: Lustoord Sophia
- Born: 2021
- Colour: Palomino
- Pedigree: