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Stellar Thunderbolt

Stellar Thunderbolt is full sibling to Stellar Tesseract born 2023. They are both picture perfect and amazing movers, plus has the best temperament one could possibly find. The funny thing is that their mother is homozygous for tobiano, and both foals have minimal markings...
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Stellar Dom Pérignon

Champagne foals are born with bright blue eyes, which later color to amber. Particularly striking is the special shine that is inherent in the Champagne gene and which is reminiscent of the shine of the Akhal Teke. It is a dream for breeders but...
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Stellar Princess of Solaria

Stellar Princess of Solaria is the daughter of our beloved Stellar Amazing Supergirl “Stella”, hence her name from the Winx Saga. Stella has always been one of our absolute favourites, both when it comes to mentality and exterior but we sadly lost her in...